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Growing Goldendoodle Puppy!

This goldendoodle pup is really growing fast!! Check out this post when I took pictures of her back in November at 3.5 months! She’s grown so much since then, but still has a blast playing out at the farm.

Now she’s 7.5 months and SO BIG. If there are any Bill Peet fans out there she reminds us of Scamp, from the Wingdingdilly. My kids love Bill Peet books and you can find this one here. Scamp is tired of being a dog and wants to be important so a witch changes him into the Wingdingdilly. Now Scamp is famous but he misses his boy and his old life. It’s a sweet book with lovely illustrations.


About This Shoot:

To get good action shots I always get down low to the ground and have a fast shutter speed, 1/1000. Then I use back button focus to track the dog as she runs towards me.

To get that creamy background (bokeh) I use a low aperture around 2.0

Don’t be afraid to make funny noises to get a dog’s attention so you can capture that cute expression.


Action shots of dog running Goldendoodle facial expressions Dog expressions- sleepy, profile, and goofy Trying to find her best side.