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Located in Lexington, KY we serve joyful pet and horse clients!




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Kim Hall and Skip- Tails Of Hope

Full body picture of bay horse on black background

Kimberly Hall has the sweetest family! They got her a gift card for Christmas and we planned her session for June when her horse had his sleek coat. Isn’t he shiny?!

Kim and her sweet horse are featured in the fundraising project for the Secretariat Center, Tails Of Hope.

Tails Of Hope is a hard cover coffee table book featuring retired racehorses on their second careers. The book features everyone from high level performance horses to pasture pets and trail horses. 

Bay horse looking down on black background
Bay horse on black background with head turned
Bay horse body image on black background
Bay horse with white star on black background

If you are interested in having horse and rider portraits done you can contact me here!

Here’s my blog post with tips on how to prepare for your portrait session.

For more on the experience click the link below! 

Bay horse looking alert on back background